Myer's Cocktail IV Therapy

Myer's Cocktail IV Therapy

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail premix is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma and more. The combination is named for Dr. John Myers, who was known for administering vitamin and mineral drips to alleviate a variety of ailments.

Possible Benefits

  • Helps alleviate stress
  • Improves immunity
  • Restores balance
  • Provides hydration
  • Helps reduce migraines
  • Reduces chronic pain

What is included in a Myer's Cocktail IV?

The main nutrients included in this IV therapy include:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B and B Complex including Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12

How Myers’ Cocktail Therapy is Administered

Should you sign up for therapy, know that the entire process may take around 45 minutes. A trained medical professional inserts a catheter into your vein and starts the Myers’ Cocktail IV drip. Over the next 20 to 30 minutes, the healing serum flows into your body reaching the cells directly. Since the vitamins bypass the digestive system entirely, they have a more potent effect and work to rejuvenate your cells almost instantly. You can choose to get therapy once or twice a week and expect to see positive results after the fourth session. When you start to feel the beneficial effects waning, you can request for follow-up infusions.

Does Myers Cocktail Have Side Effects?

Patients getting Myers’ Cocktail IV therapy rarely have any side effects. All through the infusion, you’ll have a trained medical practitioner monitoring you. Possible after-effects can include slight soreness at the injection site and feelings of heat.

Magnesium is known to work as a vasodilator or expands blood vessels. As a result, the infusion may lower your blood pressure levels causing light-headedness. If you have any of these signs, the doctor will lower the rate at which the serum enters your body.

IV therapy containing Myers’ Cocktail can have many beneficial effects and boosts energy levels. Opt for the treatment and avail of its many positives.